Gefico Will Be Present At The Euromaritime 2020

Gefico Will Be Present At The Euromaritime 2020

Gefico starts the year traveling to Euromaritime 2020 Gefico attends Euromaritime 2020 from February 4 to 6. After concluding an extensive and fruitful commercial agenda in 2019, Gefico faces a no less ambitious plan of international trade missions for 2020, which...
Gefico takes part in Marintec 2019 as exhibitor

Gefico takes part in Marintec 2019 as exhibitor

Gefico takes part in Marintec 2019 as exhibitor From December 3 to 6, Gefico will go to Shanghai to participate in Marintec China, the most important and influential international maritime event in the world. Throughout its 40 years of exponential and innovative...